Getting started with developing applications for JBoss EAP deployment

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0

Get started creating applications for JBoss EAP deployment.

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Get started creating applications for JBoss EAP deployment by using Maven as the project management tool.Deploy your applications to JBoss EAP runing on bare metal or on OpenShift Container Platform.

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The best way to become familiar with a new programming language or a technology is to create a "Hello World" application. You can create a "Hello World" application for JBoss EAP by using Maven as the project management tool.

To create a Hello World application, deploy it and test the deployment, follow these procedures:

Chapter 1. Creating a Maven project for a hello world application

A Maven project contains a pom.xml configuration file and has the directory structure required for creating an application. You can configure the pom.xml configuration file to add dependencies for your application.

To create a Maven project for a hello world application, follow these procedures:

1.1. Creating a Maven project with maven-archetype-webapp

Use the maven-archetype-webapp archetype to create a Maven project for building applications for JBoss EAP deployment. Maven provides different archetypes for creating projects based on templates specific to project types. The maven-archetype-webapp creates a project with the structure required to develop simple web-applications.



  1. Set up a Maven project by using the mvn command. The command creates the directory structure for the project and the pom.xml configuration file.

    $ mvn archetype:generate                          \                \1
    -DartifactId=helloworld                           \2
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes    \3
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp      \4
    -DinteractiveMode=false                            5
    groupID uniquely identifies the project.
    artifactID is the name for the generated jar archive.
    The groupID of maven-archetype-webapp.
    The artifactID of maven-archetype-webapp.
    Tell Maven to use the supplied parameters rather than starting interactive mode.
  2. Navigate to the generated directory.

    $ cd helloworld
  3. Open the generated pom.xml configuration file in a text editor.
  4. Remove the content inside the <project> section of pom.xml configuration file after the <name>helloworld Maven Webapp</name> line.

    Ensure that the file looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <name>helloworld Maven Webapp</name>

    The content was removed because it is not required for the application.

1.2. Defining properties in a Maven project

You can define properties in a Maven pom.xml configuration file as place holders for values. Define the value for JBoss EAP server as a property to use the value consistently in the configuration.



  • Define a property <version.server> as the JBoss EAP version on which you will deploy the configured application.


1.3. Defining the repositories in a Maven project

Define the artifact and plug-in repositories in which Maven looks for artifacts and plug-ins to download.



  1. Define the artifacts repository.

            <repository>                                                                1
                <name>JBoss Public Maven Repository</name>
            <repository>                                                                2
                <name>Red Hat GA Maven Repository</name>
    The Red Hat GA Maven repository provides all the productized JBoss EAP and other Red Hat artifacts.
    The JBoss Public Maven Repository provides artifacts such as WildFly Maven plug-ins
  2. Define the plug-ins repository.

                <name>JBoss Public Maven Repository</name>
                <name>Red Hat GA Maven Repository</name>

1.4. Importing the JBoss EAP BOMs as dependency management in a Maven project

Import the JBoss EAP EE With Tools Bill of materials (BOM) to control the versions of runtime Maven dependencies. When you specify a BOM in the <dependencyManagement> section, you do not need to individually specify the versions of the Maven dependencies defined in the provided scope.



  1. Add a property for the BOM version in the properties section of the pom.xml configuration file.


    The value defined in the property <version.server> is used as the value for BOM version.

  2. Import the JBoss EAP BOMs dependency management.

                    <groupId></groupId>                 1
                    <artifactId>jboss-eap-ee-with-tools</artifactId> 2
    GroupID of the JBoss EAP-provided BOM.
    ArtifactID of the JBoss EAP-provided BOM that provides supported JBoss EAP Java EE APIs plus additional JBoss EAP API JARs and client BOMs, and development tools such as Arquillian.

1.5. Adding plug-in management in a Maven project

Add Maven plug-in management section to the pom.xml configuration file to get plug-ins required for Maven CLI commands.



  1. Define the versions for wildfly-maven-plugin and maven-war-plugin, in the <properties> section.

  2. Add <pluginManagement> in <build> section inside the <project> section.

                    <plugin>    1
                    <plugin>                                  2
    You can use the wildfly-maven-plugin to deploy an application to JBoss EAP using the wildfly:deploy command.
    You need to manage the war plugin version to ensure compatibility with JDK17+.

1.6. Verifying a maven project

Verify that the Maven project you configured builds.



  • Install the Maven dependencies added in the pom.xml locally.

    $ mvn package

    You get an output similar to the following:

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 2. Creating a hello world servlet

Create a servlet that returns "Hello world!" when accessed.

In this procedure, <application_home> refers to the directory that contains the pom.xml configuration file for the application.



  1. Add the required dependency to pom.xml configuration file after the <dependencyManagement> section.

            <dependency>                                             1
                <scope>provided</scope>                              2
    jakarta.servlet-api dependency provides Jakarta Servlet API.
    Define the scope as provided so that the dependency is not included in the application. The reason for not including the dependency in the application is that this dependency is managed by the jboss-eap-ee-with-tools BOM and such dependencies are are included with JBoss EAP.

    The dependency is defined without a version because jboss-eap-ee-with-tools BOM was imported in the <dependencyManagement> section.

  2. Navigate to the <application_home> directory.
  3. Create a directory to store the Java files.

    $ mkdir -p src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/helloworld
  4. Navigate to the new directory.

    $ cd src/main/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/helloworld
  5. Create the Servlet that returns "Hello World!".

    import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
    import jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    @WebServlet("/HelloWorld")                      1
    public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet {
        static String PAGE_HEADER = "<html><head><title>helloworld</title></head><body>";
        static String PAGE_FOOTER = "</body></html>";
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
            PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
            writer.println("<h1> Hello World! </h1>");
    The @WebServlet("/HelloWorld") annotation provides the following information to JBoss EAP:
    • This class is a servlet.
    • Make the servlet available at the URL "<application_URL>/HelloWorld".

      For example, if JBoss EAP is running on the localhost and is available at the default HTTP port, 8080, the URL is http://localhost:8080/helloworld/HelloWorld.

  6. Navigate to the <application_home>/src/main/webapp directory.

    You find the file "index.jsp" that Maven created. This file prints "Hello World!" when you access the application.

  7. Update the "index.jsp" file to redirect to the Hello World servlet by replacing its content with the following content:

            <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=HelloWorld">
  8. Navigate to the <application_home> directory.
  9. Compile and package the application as a web archive (WAR) with the following command:

    $ mvn package

    Example output

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 3. Deploying an application to the server

You can deploy your application on a JBoss EAP server running on bare metal or on OpenShift Container Platform.

To deploy your application on a JBoss EAP server running on bare metal, follow this procedure:

To deploy your application on a JBoss EAP server running on OpenShift Container Platform, follow these procedures:

3.1. Deploying an application to a bare metal installation

You can deploy an application to JBoss EAP by using the JBoss EAP deploy plug-in.



  1. Navigate to the application root directory.

    The application root directory contains the pom.xml configuration file.

  2. Add the following build configuration to the pom.xml configuration file in the <project> section to define the application archive filename.

        <finalName>${project.artifactId}</finalName>        1
    Set the name of the deployment to the project’s artifact ID.
  3. Build and deploy the application by using the JBoss EAP deploy plug-in.

    $ mvn package wildfly:deploy


3.2. Deploying an application to OpenShift Container Platform

You can use the source-to-image (S2I) workflow to deploy your applications to JBoss EAP on OpenShift Container Platform. The S2I workflow takes source code from a Git repository and injects it into a container that’s based on the language and framework you want to use. After the S2I workflow is completed, the src code is compiled, the application is packaged and is deployed to the JBoss EAP server.

3.2.1. Preparing an application for deployment on OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Container Platform uses application hosted on a Git repository. To deploy your application on OpenShift, you must first push your application to a Git repository. After that, you can use JBoss EAP helm chart to configure your application deployment.



  1. Move the application to your local Git repository, if it already is not in it.

    $ mv -r helloworld/ <your_git_repo>
  2. Define the following property in the pom.xml configuration file:

        <version.plugin.eap>1.0.0.Final-redhat-00013</version.plugin.eap> 1
    <version.plugin.eap> defines the version for JBoss EAP Maven plug-in.
  3. Add the JBoss EAP maven plugin to <pluginManagement>, in <build> section inside the <project> section.

  4. Create a profile "openshift" in the pom.xml configuration file.

    This profile defines the plug-ins, feature packs, and layers required for deployment on OpenShift Container Platform.

                         <artifactId>eap-maven-plugin</artifactId>     1
                                 <feature-pack>                            2
                             <layers>                                      3
                             <name>ROOT.war</name>                         4
    wildfly-maven-plugin is a JBoss EAP plug-in for provisioning a JBoss EAP instance, with the application deployed, on OpenShift Container Platform.
    feature-packs defines the feature-packs (zipped files that contains features to dynamically provision a server). In this case we need the feature-packs org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack and
    layers defines the layers (from the configured feature-packs) to include in the provisioned server. Each layer identifies one or more server capabilities that can be installed on its own, or in combination with other layers. In our case we opt for the cloud-server layer, which provisions just the basic features of JBoss EAP, well suited for a cloud server.
    <name>ROOT.war</name>: Defines the resulting name of the application’s web archive (WAR). If ROOT.war is specified then the application is deployed at the root path of the server, otherwise it is deployed at <name/> relative path.
  5. Verify that the applications compiles.

    $ mvn package -Popenshift
  6. Push the changes to your repository.

3.2.2. Deploying an application to JBoss EAP on OpenShift with Helm

Use the JBoss EAP Helm chart to configure and deploy application to JBoss EAP on OpenShift with Helm.



  1. Create a directory called charts in the application root directoy and navigate to it. Application root directory is the one that contains pom.xml configuration file.

    $ mkdir charts; cd charts
  2. Create a file helm.yaml with the following content:

      uri:<user>/<repository>.git     1
      ref: <branch_name>                                  2
      contextDir: helloworld                              3
      replicas: 1                                         4
    Specify the URL for your Git repository that contains the application to deploy on OpenShift Container Platform.
    Specify the Git branch that contains your application.
    Specify the directory containing the application.
    Specify the number of pods to create.
  3. Configure the JBoss EAP repository in Helm.

    • If you haven’t added the JBoss EAP repository to Helm before, add it.

      $ helm repo add jboss-eap
    • If you already have added the JBoss EAP repository to Helm, update it.

      $ helm repo update jboss-eap
  4. Deploy the application using helm.

    $ helm install helloworld -f helm.yaml jboss-eap/eap8

    The deployment can take a few minutes to complete.


  1. Get the URL of the route to the deployment.

    $ APPLICATION_URL=https://$(oc get route helloworld --template='{{ }}') &&
    echo "" &&
    echo "Application URL: $APPLICATION_URL"
  2. Navigate to the "Application URL" in a browser.

    You are redirected to the servlet at path "/HelloWorld" and you get the following message:

    Hello World!

Chapter 4. Testing an application deployed on JBoss EAP

To ensure that the Hello World application deployed on JBoss EAP is working, you can add integration tests.

To add tests for an application deployed on a JBoss EAP server running on bare metal, follow these procedures:

To add tests for an application deployed on a JBoss EAP server running on OpenShift Container Platform, follow these procedures:

4.1. Adding the Maven dependencies and profile required for integration tests

To create integration tests for your applications, add the required Maven dependencies.



  1. Define the following properties in the pom.xml configuration file:

  2. Add the dependency required for tests.

  3. Define a profile to add the plug-ins required for integration tests.

                            <artifactId>maven-failsafe-plugin</artifactId> 1
                                    <include>**/HelloWorldServletIT</include>       2
    Maven plug-in for running integration tests.
    The name of the Java class that tests the application.

4.2. Creating a test class to test an application

Create an integration test that verifies that the application is deployed and running on JBoss EAP on OpenShift Container Platform, by checking that the HTTP GET of its web page returns 200 OK.

In this procedure, <application_home> refers to the directory that contains the pom.xml configuration file for the application.



  1. Navigate to the <application_home> directory.
  2. Create a directory to store the test class.

    $ mkdir -p src/test/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/helloworld
  3. Navigate to the new directory.

    $ cd src/test/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/helloworld
  4. Create a Java class that tests the deployment.

    import org.junit.Test;
    import java.time.Duration;
    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
    public class HelloWorldServletIT {
        private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST = "http://localhost:8080/helloworld";                1
        public void testHTTPEndpointIsAvailable() throws IOException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException {
            String serverHost = System.getProperty("");
            if (serverHost == null) {
                serverHost = DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST;
            final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                    .uri(new URI(serverHost+"/HelloWorld"))
                    .build();                                                                                 2
            final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()
                    .build();                                                                                 3
            final HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString()); 4
            assertEquals(200, response.statusCode());                                                         5
    The URL at which the application is running. This value is used if is undefined.
    Create an HttpRequest instance for the application URI.
    Create an HttpClient to send requests to and receive response from the application.
    Get response from the application.
    Test that the response revieved from the application is "200" indicating that the application is rechable.

Next steps

4.3. Testing an application deployed on JBoss EAP that is running on bare metal

Test the application deployed on JBoss EAP that is running on bare metal.



  1. Navigate to the <application_home> directory.
  2. Run the integration test by using the verify command with the integration-testing profile.

    $ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing

    Example output

    [INFO] Results:
    [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
    [INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:3.2.2:verify (default) @ helloworld ---
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time:  9.982 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2023-11-22T14:53:54+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.4. Testing an application deployed to JBoss EAP on OpenShift Container Platform

Test the application deployed to JBoss EAP on OpenShift Container Platform.



  1. Push the changes to your Git repository.
  2. Navigate to the <application_home> directory.
  3. Run the test by using the verify command, activating the integration-testing profile and specifying the URL to the application.

    $ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing$(oc get route helloworld --template='{{ }}')

    The tests use SSL/TLS to connect to the deployed application. Therefore, you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.

    To trust the certificates, you must add it to a Java trust store.


    $ keytool -trustcacerts -keystore _<path-to-java-truststore>_ -storepass _<trust-store-password>_ -importcert -alias _<alias-for-the-certificate>_ -file _<path-to-certificate>_/_<certificate-name>_

    Example output

    [INFO] Running
    [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.345 s -- in
    [INFO] Results:
    [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
    [INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:3.2.2:verify (default) @ helloworld ---
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time:  2.984 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2023-11-30T15:51:22+05:30
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revised on 2024-02-21 14:02:46 UTC

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