How to check dnsPolicy in all pods in OpenShift Container Platform 4.

Solution In Progress - Updated -


Checking the dnsPolicy for pods in an OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster can be necessary for several reasons like Debugging DNS issues, as resolution is crucial for communication between pods and with external services. If there are DNS-related issues within the cluster, checking the dnsPolicy of pods can provide insights into how DNS resolution is configured for those pods.

Understanding the DNS configuration of pods can help diagnose connectivity problems within the cluster. For example, if a pod cannot resolve DNS names or communicate with external services, checking its dnsPolicy can be a useful step in troubleshooting.

In some cases, network policies or security requirements may dictate specific DNS configurations for pods. By checking the dnsPolicy, you can ensure that pods are configured correctly according to these policies.


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 [RHOCP]

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