Red Hat Runtimes provides modern platforms to develop and run your new and legacy applications—including Spring Boot, Reactive, JavaScript, Java EE, and MicroProfile—in a single ecosystem. Support for OpenJDK, in-memory datastore, and single sign-on completes the system. Together, all of these products combine, enabling you to share resources and build more applications faster.

Learn more about Red Hat Runtimes

Runtimes Portfolio

Build, run, deploy, and manage enterprise Java applications

Access, process, and analyze data at in-memory speed to deliver a superior user experience

Create large-scale websites and lightweight web applications

Run Java applications that deal in serverless, microservices, containers, Kubernetes, FaaS, or the cloud.

A pure-Java multiprotocol message broker

Free and open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition

Create stand-alone Spring-based applications and (Micro)services

MicroProfile APIs to build and deploy microservices-based applications

A tool-kit for building reactive Java® applications on the JVM

Write server-side JavaScript applications

Secures your web applications by providing single sign-on capabilities

Enhances your portfolio with Apache HTTP, JSvc distribution, and Web Connectors

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