Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform simplifies the development and operation of automation workloads for managing enterprise application infrastructure lifecycles. It works across multiple IT domains including operations, networking, security, and development, as well as across diverse hybrid environments. Simple to adopt, use, and understand, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform provides the tools needed to rapidly implement enterprise-wide automation, no matter where you are in your automation journey.

  • Improve efficiency
    Maximize current resources while freeing  your entire IT organization from repetitive tasks.
  • Increase productivity
    Accelerate business outcomes and consolidate tools across your entire hybrid cloud infrastructure.
  • Increase compliance
    Maximize compliance while minimizing errors and reducing the cost of production.
  • Control risk and expenses
    Complete tasks more predictably and at lower cost, while enabling staff to focus on higher value projects.

What's New?

The release of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2, announced during AnsibleFest 2021 in September, includes a suite of new capabilities to help extend automation throughout your organization including execution environments, a content navigator, enhanced insights and analytics, and much more. Learn how the latest release makes it even easier to create, manage, and extend automation across your entire organization: 


Ansible Automation

Provides a scalable and secure implementation for describing, building, managing, and deploying enterprise IT applications across diverse architectures using the Ansible automation language and Ansible Automation Platform.

  • Universal language of automation for any IT use case
  • Scalable automation capacity across datacenters, and private and public clouds
  • Robust API for integrating automation into any process or workflow


    Ansible Automation Hub

    Automation hub allows you to discover and utilize new certified automation content from Red Hat Ansible and Certified Partners. On Ansible automation hub, you can discover and manage Ansible Collections which is supported automation content developed by both partners and Red Hat for use cases such as cloud automation, network automation, security automation, and more.

    Use the automation hub hosted on to discover new certified automation, and use the new private automation hub, which is hosted on-premises or on the cloud of your choice, to synchronize and manage this automation for enterprise use. Administrators can synchronize any desired certified Content Collections from Ansible automation hub into private automation hub, in addition to their own content, to provide a curated library of content for reusing and sharing across your internal automation community. 


    Ansible Developer

    Red Hat Ansible Developer provides existing Ansible Automation Platform users with additional Red Hat subscriptions for creating Ansible content. Red Hat Ansible Developer bundles together automation execution environments, execution environment builder, Ansible Core, and automation content navigator giving you easy access to creating content for your Ansible Automation Platform.


    Insights for Ansible Automation Platform

    Insights for Ansible Automation Platform (formerly analytics) provides a visual dashboard, health notifications, and organizational statistics that help you understand your company’s automation posture from a central point. You can analyze, aggregate, and report on automation deployments, and see how automation is running in your environment. As you mature along the automation journey, these insights are essential.


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