Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated


Red Hat® OpenShift Dedicated allows developers to quickly develop, build, deploy, and manage containerized services and applications in a cloud environment. Start your trial today. 

product highlights

OpenShift Dedicated Features

OpenShift Dedicated offers a dedicated, customized, and managed application platform in the public cloud and is based on OpenShift 3 technology. Your cluster is isolated from other customers with security and management provided by the Red Hat Operations and Support team.

Open and extensible

OpenShift is built with proven open source technologies from established communities. It's built around a core of application containers powered by Docker, with orchestration and management provided by Kubernetes, all on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Application portability

Docker provides the abstraction for packaging and creating lightweight containers based on Linux. Applications created on OpenShift can easily run anywhere where Docker is supported.

Orchestration and management

Kubernetes provides the cluster management and orchestrates Docker containers on multiple hosts.


OpenShift automates source code management, application builds, deployments, scaling, health management, and more.


OpenShift adds team and user tracking for large developer organizations. Developers can easily add or remove team members to a project.

OpenShift Dedicated Architecture

OpenShift Dedicated is a layered system that exposes the underlying Docker and Kubernetes concepts as accurately as possible, with a focus on making it easy for developers to develop and deploy applications. For example, install Ruby, push code, and add MySQL.


  1. 1

    Download and install the CLI tools

    Download and install the CLI tools on your workstation according to your operating system. Note that you must have an active subscription to OpenShift Dedicated to access the download page.

  2. 2

    Basic CLI setup and login

    Run the oc login command to perform the initial setup and configuration of the CLI tools on your workstation. This setup automatically generates and saves the CLI configuration file that gets used in all subsequent tasks performed with the CLI tools.

    $ oc login
    OpenShift server [https://localhost:8443]: 
    Username: alice 
    Authentication required for (openshift)
    Password: ******
    Login successful. 
    You don't have any projects. You can try to create a new project, by running
        $ oc new-project <projectname> 
    Welcome to OpenShift! See 'oc help' to get started. nfs-utils
  3. 3

    Create your first application

    Watch the short demo to learn how to create and deploy your first Hello World application on OpenShift.


Develop and test Docker images

Develop Docker images

Docker images are intended to be immutable, and there are a number of best practices and guidelines to consider when developing Docker images to run on OpenShift.

Frameworks and languages

Run prebuilt framework images

Supported frameworks can be built and run with the provided S2I images. The S2I builder image assembles the application source with the required dependencies and creates a new image that contains the application. This image can be run on OpenShift or with Docker.

Resources on framework images


Run prebuilt database images

Databases can be run on OpenShift with the provided Docker images. These images provide database services based on username, password, and database settings that are provided with the the configuration.

Resources on database images

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OpenShift Dedicated Life Cycle

Red Hat offers services for each major release of OpenShift Dedicated with designated life cycle phases.