Eclipse Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive Java® applications on the JVM

Eclipse Vert.x contains several different components designed to make it easier for you to write reactive applications. Vert.x is highly modular and you just use the bits that you need and nothing more. Vert.x can be deployed as a bootable JAR on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or as a container on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. 

Eclipse Vert.x applications are built using Maven artifacts that can be downloaded from the Red Hat Customer Portal or accessed online using the JBoss Enterprise Maven Repository.

Product Policies and Support Programs

Life Cycle Policies

Red Hat offers support and maintenance over stated time periods for the major versions of Vert.x.


Highly Scalable

Vert.x is event-driven and non-blocking. This means your app can handle a lot of concurrent requests using a small number of kernel threads. Vert.x lets your app scale with minimal hardware.

Async Ecosystem 

Vert.x provides a comprehensive asynchronous non-blocking client ecosystem including async clients for accessing files, networking, and databases.


Vert.x core is around 650kB in size and typically starts under one second.


Vert.x is both a reactive system and toolkit for reactive programming supporting Callbacks, Futures, Promises, RxJava, and Reactive Streams.

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