Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.x sizing tool
Red Hat Mobile Application Platform enables you to develop and deploy mobile apps in an agile and flexible manner. It takes advantage of open technologies and standard toolkits while centralizing control over security, back-end integrations, and policy management.
Red Hat Mobile Application Platform 4.x is deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift Container Platform. It has 2 main components, Core Mobile Application Platform and Mobile Backend-as-a-Service which are deployed on multiple OpenShift nodes, the architecture of Red Hat Mobile Application platform is all based on docker formatted containers, pods and microservices.
This application helps plan your deployment, with a few questions about the number of apps and users the tool provides the recommended Open Container Platform configuration in terms of the number of nodes and size. When all questions are answered, the tool recommends a Red Hat Mobile Application Platform configuration to support your use case, including:
Number of nodes required for hosting OpenShift masters, OpenShift infrastructure, MBaaS, Core MAP and apps.
Amount of vCPUs, RAM and storage for each node.