Retired: This application is now retired.

Product Life Cycle Checker

Updated -

This application is now retired. Use the new service Product Life Cycles.

What It Is

The Product Life Cycle Checker is a tool for viewing Red Hat products' life-cycle information (including General Availability, End of Support, and End of Life).

Different Red Hat products have different life-cycle dates, and this tool lets you choose multiple products and view their dates. This tool can help you plan your maintenance windows more easily since you can now see the information for multiple products on one page.

How to Use It

To find out the life-cycle information for your existing or new deployment(s):

  1. Select a product at the top of the page. (After you have chosen one product, you can choose another on the same dropdown list.) Each product has its own table of life-cycle information that displays.
  2. Click the Detailed Life-cycle Information link for details (there is link below each table).
