Red Hat Customer Portal: What's New in Case Management, August 6, 2013

Updated -

We're pleased to announce the following enhancements to our Case Management application, included with our update on August 6. These features, along with numerous bug fixes and minor enhancements, are now available to all users.

Export to CSV

Clicking the Export All as CSV button sometimes resulted in an error creating the CSV file. We've fixed this issue. Also, clicking the Export All as CSV sometimes caused the tool to time out if the case list was too large. In situations where a real issue occurs here, the tool will fail more gracefully, but the actual timeout error has been fixed.

Escalation Issue

Customers could not manually change a case status if "Request Management Escalation" was checked (or if it had ever been checked). We've fixed this issue.

Case Group List

All Case Group names are now alphabetized on the Edit Case page. You will still only see the groups in which you are included.

Comment UI

We've fixed an error where the case comment box did not resize after a comment was added.

Recommendations UI

We noticed a couple of issues related to the recommendations UI. First, when no recommendations were available for a product and a different product was selected (on the Case Creation page), the spinner and "No recommendations are available" appeared simultaneously. We've fixed the sequencing so it more accurately describes the situation to the user. Second, the Case Creation page should not fail or be blocked when recommendations are unavailable and the user tries to submit a query. Failure in loading recommendations did not allow users to go ahead with case creation, but this has been fixed.

Comment Text Limit

We expanded the 32KB maximum limit. Most large case fields have an implicit 32KB entry limit, but that limit wasn't described accurately to users, nor did users get any feedback while typing. We've addressed both of those situations by improving the message and by adding a progress bar to show the remaining comment size.


We invested in a number of small fixes to ensure continued tool stability.


"Beta" has been removed from the chat button.

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