Get more value out of your EAP Subscription with support of popular Runtimes such as Spring Boot, Vert.x, Thorntail and Node.js

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We'd like to let all EAP customers know about a special offer on the Red Hat Application Runtimes bundle, which includes EAP as you use it today, and in addition offers support for popular Runtimes such as Spring, Vert.x, Node.js and Thorntail. Also, the Runtimes bundle offers popular capabilities such as SSO (KeyCloak), DataGrid for in-memory data cache, OpenJDK, a Launcher Service and an Application Migration Toolkit. The bundle comes at the same price as an EAP ''only'' subscription so why not get even more value out of your Red Hat subscription by moving from your current EAP subscription to the Runtimes bundle.

If you are interested to learn more we recommend you to have a look at this datasheet and/ or contact your commercial Red Hat contact to help identify the easiest way to move to the bundle. However, and as you would expect from Red Hat, there is no obligation to move to the bundle.

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